I often play with Japanese players in online games. We became good friends as we are all regular players. It’s still difficult for me to converse in Japanese but I often ask them about slangs, trendy words, and expressions that are not found in dictionaries.
What do you mean by “Rimuru”?
I want to ask questions about the meaning of different words. Please teach me how to say the above.

Answer by Professional Japanese Teacher
(1)「リムる」 は英語(えいご)でどう言(い)いますか。
“Rimuru” wa eego de doo iimasuka?
How to say “Rimuru” in English?
(2)「リムる」 はどういう意味(いみ)ですか。
“Rimuru” wa dooiu imi desuka.
What do you mean by “Rimuru”?
(3)「リムる」 はどういう意味(いみ)?
“Rimuru” wa Dooiu imi?
What do you mean by “Rimuru”?
If you want to ask about a simple English translation of a word, (1) is good enough. (2) and (3) would give an impression of expecting more details from the answerer. You can use (3) if you are very close to your friend as the expression is very casual. Try using it between guys when you’re having a good conversation.
Q:「リムる」 は英語(えいご)でどう言(い)いますか。
“Rimuru” wa eego de doo iimasuka?
How to say “Rimuru” in English?
A:「リムる」 は英語(えいご)で”remove“と言(い)います。
“Rimuru” wa eego de “Remove” to iimasu.
“Rimuru” is “Remove” in English.
Q:「リムる」 はどういう意味(いみ)ですか。
“Rimuru” wa dooiu imi desuka.
What do you mean by “Rimuru”?
A:「リムる」 は英語(えいご)で”remove“という意味(いみ)です。SNSで、アカウントをフォローから外(はず)すことを意味(いみ)します。
“Rimuru” wa eigo de “remove” toiu imidesu. SNS de akaunto wo foloo kara hazusu koto wo imi shimasu.
“Rimuru” is “Remove” in English. It means to remove your account from following in social media.
Q:「リムる」 はどういう意味(いみ)?
“Rimuru” wa dooiu imi?
What do you mean by “Rimuru”?
A:「リムる」 は英語(えいご)で”remove“という意味(いみ)だよ。SNSで、アカウントをフォローから外(はず)すってこと。
“Rimuru” wa eigo de “remove” toiu imidayo. SNS de akaunto wo foloo kara hazusu tte koto.
“Rimuru” is “Remove” in English. It means to remove your account from following in social media.