Hello. We received the following question below.

It’s been one month since I started living in Japan. Whenever I go to the nearby supermarket for grocery shopping, I always have difficulties understanding what the store employees are saying. I can still shop without understanding any part of it but I want to know what they are saying.

Today, let’s look at some expressions commonly used by supermarket employees in Japan.
1. いらっしゃいませ
This expression is used by store employees in supermarkets, restaurants, fast food chains, clothing stores, souvenir stores, and many others. It’s an expression to welcome customers.
This expression is used by employees in any shops such as supermarkets, restaurants, fast food chains, clothing stores, souvenir stores, and many others. It’s an expression to welcome customers.
2. レジ袋(ぶくろ)はお使(つか)いになりますか
Rejibukuro wa otsukaini narimasuka.
(Do you need a plastic bag?)
Rejibukuro o otsukeshite yoroshiideshooka.
(Shall I include a plastic bag for you?)
Many supermarkets in Japan are charging for plastic bags or carrier bags due to environmental concerns. As these bags are not free, more people are bringing their own bags known as “eko bakku” (eco-bags).
If you have an eco-bag, you don’t need a plastic bag. If the store employee asks you in the above manner, you can tell him/her “hai” (yes) or “onegaishimasu” (please).
If you have an eco-bag, you can say “daijoobu desu” (it’s alright) or “eko bakku ga arimasu” (I have an eco-bag).
Store employee: レジ袋はお使いになりますか。
Rejibukuro wa otsukaini narimasuka.
(Do you need a plastic bag?)
You: おねがいします。
(Yes, please.)
Store employee: レジ袋はお使いになりますか。
Rejibukuro wa otsukaini narimasuka.
(Do you need a plastic bag?)
You: だいじょうぶです。
Daijoobu desu.
(It’s alright.)
3. ご協力(きょうりょく)ありがとうございます
Gokyooryoku Arigatoogozaimasu
(Thank you for your cooperation)
If you refuse a plastic bag, the store employee may thank you in such a manner.
Store employee: レジ袋はお使いになりますか。
Rejibukuro wa otsukaini narimasuka.
(Do you need a plastic bag?)
You: だいじょうぶです。
Daijoobu desu.
(It’s alright.)
Store employee: ご協力ありがとうございます。
Gokyooryoku Arigatoogozaimasu.
(Thank you for your cooperation)
4. ポイントカードはお持(も)ちですか。
Pointocaado wa omochidesuka.
(Do you have a rewards card?)
The next question you may hear is probably this expression. If you have a rewards card, you can show it to the store employee and say “onegaishimasu” (please).
If you do not have one, you can answer “arimasen” (I don’t have it.) Other than a rewards card, you may also be asked “Kuupon o omochidesuka.” (Do you have coupons?) “Pointokaado” and “kuupon” are probably the most common questions you would hear.
5. ポイントカードをお作(つく)りしましょうか。
Pointocaado wo otsukurishimasyooka.
(Shall I make a rewards card for you?)
If you do not have a rewards card, the store employee may recommend you to make one. If you wish to make one, you can say “onegaishimasu” (please).
If you don’t like the idea, you may reject by saying “kekkoodesu” (It’s fine).
Store employee: ポイントカードはお持ちですか。
Pointokaado wa omochidesuka.
(Do you have a rewards card?)
You: ありません。
(I don’t have.)
Store employee: ポイントカードをお作りしましょうか。
Pointokaado o otsukurishimashooka.
(Shall I make a rewards card for you?)
You: けっこうです。
(It’s fine.)
6. お会計(かいけい)は1(いち)番(ばん)でお願(ねが)いいたします。
Okaikee wa ichiban de onegaiitashimasu.
(Please go to number 1 for payment.)
Automatic payment machines are becoming more common. The cashier will scan the products for you but you make payment at the automatic payment machines or semi-self checkout machines.
As there maybe many such machines labelled 1 to 10, it would be useful to master Japanese numbers. Make payment at the number you were told to.
7. お支払(しはらい)方法(ほうほう)を選(えら)んでください。
Oshiharai hoohoo wo erandekudasai.
(Please select the payment method.)
When you are at the payment machine, the machine will talk to you. Some machines allow you to select English but many of them are still in Japanese.
The machine would probably say “Oshiharai hoohoo wo erandekudasai” and “現金 genkin” (cash) and “クレジットカード kurejitto kaado” (credit card) would appear on the screen. Press either one for your payment method.
8. 金額(きんがく)がよろしければ、精算(せいさん)ボタンを押(お)してください。
Kingaku ga yoroshikereba, seesan botan o oshitekudasai.
(If the amount is correct, press the Payment button.)
The kanji for Payment is “精算”. Even if you can’t write it, it’s good to recognize and know the meaning.
9. レシートをお取(と)りください。
Reshiito o otorikudasai.
(Please take your receipt.)
The receipt will be issued after payment. If you pay in cash, you will also get the change. In this case, the machine will say “otsuri to reshiito o otorikudasai” (please take your change and receipt).
We’ve summarized expressions used by supermarket employees. I’m sure this will help to clear some of your confusion if you know what they are saying.
If you get used to this, try to respond properly next time.