My team members and I have been working on a project where we each have our own tasks to complete. Most of my team members are Japanese. When I’m done with my task, how do I tell them that “I’m done” with my tasks?

Answer by Professional Japanese Teacher
I’m done
I’ve finished
There are several ways to say you have finished your work. The word 終(お)わります owarimasu means “to finish”, so if you have finished your work, you can say it in the past tense 終(お)わりました owarimashita. If you are close to your team members, you can also use the casual version of owarimashita, which is おわった!owatta!
Dekimasu has two meanings, one is “to be completed” and the other is “to be able to do something”, as in “I can speak Japanese わたしは日本語ができます Watashi wa Nihongo ga dekimasu”. When you’ve completed something, you can say dekimashita, which is the past tense of dekimasu.
You can also say “完成!Kansei!” as an exclamation that you’ve completed or finished your work. Kansei comes from the verb 完成(かんせい)する kansei suru, which means “to complete, finish, accomplish”.